Some People.

"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit."
~ Albert Schweitzer.

I had an appointment to do my taxes one night - kind of like a root canal as far as expectations go, and on the way home I decided to stop and grab a bunch of flowers for my wife at a local stand. The previous year business had been pretty miserable and we were both expecting to pay so I figured flowers would at least soften the news.

The old lady at the flower stand was from Mexico and she must have been eighty if she was a day. We talked for a while about her grandchildren, her life and what she had seen as an immigrant working at the ramshackle old flower stand. She smiled through the whole conversation and in very broken English a gentle, sincere, warmth exuded from her every word and gesture. I came away humbled and feeling like a selfish little child who really needed to grow up. Some people truly put life into perspective and rekindle the fire within us.

There are special souls among us. Take Time To Thank Them.

Taxes? Give me a break - I'm lucky I get to pay them.

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