"The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes." Benjamin Disraeli
Put yourself in this picture. The President of the United States has called you to the White House. He wants your advice. Let's just pick a topic at random. The situation in Somalia. He wants a briefing, a recommendation and a plan. Now let's add one more component. If he likes and implements your plan you get to leverage the meeting into a position, a book, a movie or any thing your heart desires. What would your plan look like? Would it be detailed? Would it be focused? Would it have America's interests at heart? Would it have the Presidents interests at heart and would it have a call to action? You betcha.
Yet when salespeople make presentations to executives in America every day the same laser like focus is not applied. Why?
"In a recent Forrester report on sales presentations only 15% of “C” level executives surveyed felt their meetings with sales people were valuable and lived up to their expectations. They went further, based on the outcome of the initial meeting, only 7% of those executives would accept follow-on meetings." David A Brock
Sales People that meet with the most success and establish themselves as trusted advisers are able to do two things very, very effectively. Whether we are Selling the President of the United States of America on a plan or selling an executive at a company, on any product or service, there are two essential and critical components:
- Establish Credibility, Trust and Competence:
We ask and identify the questions that are of the highest concern - emotionally - to the buyer. We establish credibility through what we do, how we do it, who we are and what others say about us. We Listen. This is done every moment of every day - Selling the President of the United States should be no different than selling to Joe the plumber.
It's A Mindset Thing - An Every Day Thing - A Professional Thing.
- Get Them To Take An Action:
The mind of the prospect and the heart of the prospect are then in harmony. That's how we sell POTUS and should sell EVERYONE.

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