What Defines You?

America is all about success and she has a myriad of definitions.
But what defines you? Some people like to hang their hat on individual success, fame, fortune, celebrity or standing as to what defines them.
I humbly offer the premise that it's really your flaws that define you in America. No not the flaws themselves - but what you do about them. Don't believe me? Think it's your success that defines you? Let's take Tiger, Terry, Toyota and Tylenol as examples. Each enjoyed enormous success and then we saw some flaws. What will they do about them we ask? There is an old saying that resonates with me which states "The lowest level of performance you display as a leader is the highest level of performance you can expect of your team". We all have flaws and each of us succeeds to varying degrees and interpretations in life.
I humbly submit it's what we do about our flaws that defines us.

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