A Simple Guy.

"As for me, all I know is - that I know nothing" ~ Socrates.

Hi I'm Dan Collins - A Simple Guy who went from Soldier to Salesman and ended up in the Corporate C Suite. Along the way
I noticed that a lot of people like to make things more difficult than they need to be. So I figured - Why Not Just Be A Simple Guy? I'm a guy who needs to understand a lot more about this thing we call life and honestly wants to learn how to make the things he sees in this world simpler.

So I decided to write a blog about Work, Wisdom, Warriors, Whiskey & Women. Me? I'm just A Simple Guy who came to America as a very young boy. I'm a guy who likes Steak & Sinatra, Beethoven and Basics. A man who Respects Focus over Fluff and Results over Reasons. I've found that the more people I meet - The more I love my dog. But every now and again I meet some really good people who make me smile. Hopefully this blog, Facebook, Twitter & Linked In will help me connect with those who see value in the random ramblings of a 'Simple Guy.'

Me? I'm just a simple soldier at heart who loves this country.

What do I know for sure? ~ Not much.

But I believe that America is truly the land of opportunity
as long as we work hard and keep striving and I'm honestly convinced that:

"When We Think We Know - We Don't.

When We Think We're Good - We're Not."

1 comment:

  1. So this is a guy who stole away one fateful day on a boat bound for America, bought into the dream, served his country, worked hard and made it all happen, and along the way has a great family and living the dream..... Sounds like success to me! "Keep on keepin on" Dan-

    Larry "Lucky" Lara
    Sempre Fi
