
"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray to be a strong person."  
Nadia Comaneci. 

They say that perfection is impossible. That perfectionism is an undesirable trait. Yes we should strive for excellence they say.
But perfection? - A Perfect 10 ? ~ There's no such thing ~ They say.

Then Nadia Comaneci proved them wrong.

In the 1976 Olympics Nadia scored the first perfect 10 in history.

No one had thought a perfect score of ten was possible. The scoreboards at the venue were not even able to display a perfect score of ten ~ so they used the number one instead. For a few moments the crowd was confused but soon they figured it out and the arena erupted.

The look on Nadia's teammates faces as she completes her routine says it all.  Respect, amazement and admiration - It's inspiring.
The world stood in awe and applauded. It was very much like when Roger Bannister broke the first 4 minute mile ~ Nadia Comaneci, and every other athlete who thirsts to achieve perfection, shows us that...

The spirit of striving is... Perfection.

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