What Dogs See.

"Look at everything as if you are seeing it for the first or last time." 
~ Betty Smith.

If you have a dog you'll know what I'm talking about. How they're so happy to see you when you return home from work. As if it's the first time ~ every time. I love dogs, especially my German Shepherd, Winston. ~ He's simple, sincere and... well you know what I mean.

We can learn a lot from dogs. They see things a bit different than we do. They appreciate life. Human beings get to a point in our lives where we "know" stuff and it makes us jaded doesn't it? Perhaps dogs don't let what they know get in the way of how they look at things. They seem to see, and appreciate, things as if it were the first or last time.

But we stop looking at things as if we were seeing them for the first or last time. Don't we? But isn't that the answer? Isn't that how we can keep learning, growing, striving and appreciating all the remarkable things, people, and experiences that this life has to offer?

Got to go now ~ My dog is waiting to see me for the first time ~ again.

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